
Designing a 'gateway' to Eindhoven Design District

02 May 2023
  • News
Whatif EDD opencall

As a resident or visitor, how can you tell that you are in Eindhoven Design District? The city is brimming with design, but this isn't visible enough to everyone just yet. Under the monicker Eindhoven Design District, we (in collaboration with Dutch Design Foundation and the Municipality of Eindhoven) are trying to make design more visible and experienceable. In this case, quite literally, with a What if Lab to design a meeting point outside Central Station. A design with a big wow factor that immediately makes it obvious that you are in a design capital

About the What if Lab

Eindhoven Design District deserves an iconic entry that invites visitors to visit design hotspots and discover what design can do for a livable and innovative city. An entry that makes design visible and accessible to residents, newcomers, and tourists in an appealing way. Naturally, we want local talent to design this 'gateway' to the design district. Are you or do you know a designer who dares to take on this challenge? Visit whatiflab.nl for more information!