
Exhibition Open Eindhoven to Muziekgebouw

10 July 2024
  • News

Eindhoven is a city in transformation. The city center is open, and the station area is being revamped. We are constructing fantastic buildings and new parks. You name it, we're working on it. This makes our city more fun and beautiful, but it also causes quite a bit of disruption in the meantime. That’s why it is so important to keep residents and visitors well-informed about what’s happening. We support the municipality with Open Eindhoven, the collective name for all communication regarding urban developments. You might recognize it from the cheerful construction signs and openeindhoven.nl, but now we’re taking it up a notch with an exhibition in the Muziekgebouw.

Exhibition Open Eindhoven

Through information boards, flyers, and openeindhoven.nl, the municipality informs residents and visitors about what’s happening in the city. However, this often covers only a small part of the overall process. To give people a comprehensive view of the developments, we are collaborating with the municipality on an Open Eindhoven exhibition in the Muziekgebouw. With a giant model, you will get a good sense of how the city will change in the coming years. You can look around on your own, but you can also ask questions and provide comments. The exhibition will open early next year. Studio040 will also move into the building and aims to involve Eindhoven residents in the conversation about the city's transformation through special programming.

Tourist Information x Open Eindhoven

We are currently exploring the possibility of relocating Tourist Information (the VVV function of our colleagues at Eindhoven247) from the central station to the Muziekgebouw. Residents and visitors can visit Tourist Information for details about activities in the city and accessibility in the city center, making it a logical addition to Open Eindhoven's activities. Moreover, the station area will undergo significant changes in the coming years, making the Muziekgebouw location more accessible and easier to find.

Muziekgebouw Eindhoven House of Yellow 10 medium

Tourist Information x Open Eindhoven

Op dit moment onderzoeken we of Tourist Information (de VVV-functie van onze collega’s van Eindhoven247) van het centraal station naar het Muziekgebouw kan verhuizen. Inwoners en bezoekers kunnen bij Tourist Information terecht voor informatie over wat er te doen is in de stad en over de bereikbaarheid in de binnenstad. Daarmee is het een logische aanvulling op de activiteiten van Open Eindhoven. Daar komt bij dat het stationsgebied de komende jaren flink op de schop gaat en de locatie in het Muziekgebouw makkelijker bereikbaar en vindbaar is.