Concept design for Eindhoven Now
In 2022, we started bringing together various Eindhoven educational institutions. In several creative sessions, we sought answers to the question: How can we get students to work together interdisciplinary on Eindhoven issues? A significant challenge where the process is part of the solution. Based on our collective learning process, we developed a concept to make our collective dream a reality: establish an interdisciplinary learning community.
Social challenges
Eindhoven is big on unconventional collaborations. By putting clever and creative heads together, we create world-class innovations. This success formula will also ensure considerable growth in the coming years. We don’t need to explain that this growth brings many social challenges. In short: We need talent for both growth and challenges. It’s all about talent attraction and retainment. The Eindhoven Now project calls for the city and region to take responsibility and tackle these challenges together.
Eindhoven Now
Eindhoven Now is an interdisciplinary learning community where students work on Eindhoven social issues. By employing talent, we make the city a better place, and make students feel more connected to Eindhoven by improving their surroundings. In the long run, this connection helps us to retain talent.
In 2024, we will launch Eindhoven Now, focusing on three pillars:
- People: Eindhoven students work interdisciplinary on social issues guided by coaches from various educational institutions. This creates a new form of creativity.
- Platform: An online platform that connects all participating parties by bringing together issues, knowledge videos, and case studies. This creates a seamless connection between supply and demand.
- Place: Together, we develop an inspiring physical learning environment. Like we once did with Eindhoven's Natlab, we create a site for unconventional collaborations.