
Good to see you again

  • Campaign
Goed dat je er weer bent vlaggen foto Nadia ten Wolde

To celebrate the reopening of the city centre in the spring of 2021 and welcome visitors back to our city, we launched the 'Good to see you again' campaign. The campaign was visible both offline and online.

A safe visit to the city

The colourful (city-dressing) campaign contributed to a positive, hospitable and safe visitor experience. The festive decoration was visible from the moment the visitor entered Eindhoven up to the shopping streets.

Goed dat je er weer bent banner foto Nadia ten Wolde
Invalswegen foto Nadia ten Wolde

City dressing

To give visitors a warm welcome, we placed 200 banners throughout the city: from the approach roads to the shopping streets. We had mobile flagpoles placed in strategic spots in the shopping streets as extra decoration. The decor creates atmospheric entrances to various areas in the city centre. The campaign message was on display on LED screens to further increase the visibility and impact.

Positive nudging

The campaign corresponds with the municipality's crowd management measures. The yellow line, signposts, and texts on the street have also reapplied to 'nudge' people in a positive way. Eindhoven365 has rolled out this campaign online through various channels, @EindhovenCity &, to attract visitors from the city and region.

Houd een eindje afstand foto Nadia ten Wolde
Goed dat je er weer bent foto Nadia ten Wolde

Crowd management

To monitor the traffic density, the company Zicht op Data, commissioned by Eindhoven247, has developed a crowd checker (druktemeter). This so-called crowd checker shows the amount of real-time visitors in the city centre. Based on the number of people, the size of the street, and the parameter given by the security services. The portrayed crowd can have different colours: green, yellow, orange, and red which equals quiet, cosy, busy, or very busy. This tool allows visitors to make a responsible decision before their visit.


After launching the campaign in 2020, we introduced the campaign again in 2021. Thanks to the cooperation between BIZ, SBE, Municipality of Eindhoven, Soeps, Eindhoven247, and Eindhoven365.